
Thursday, 13 June 2013

How to install more than one Dynamics NAV 2009 Demo Database

           By default when you are installing the demo database by the installation program you can only install one Demo Database. But if you would like to have more than one Demo Database to try different things in, how to accomplish that? I assume that you know that you can create a new company in the classic client, but you will then not get the demo data. The solution is simple to use SQL Server Management Studio to attach more than one version of the Demo Database.

1.     Open the Run Window Type “Services.msc”. It open the services

2.     Stop the SQL Server service

3.     Make a copy the database files in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft                 Dynamics NAV\60\Database" to new location. For example "C:\NAVTestDB\"

4.     Start the SQL Server service

5.     Start SQL Server Management Studio and connection to the instance  where you have installed the other Demo Database.

6.     Right click on "Databases" and select "Attach" and click "Add". Then pick the database file that you did copy to new location.

7.     Change the "Attach As" column for the new Demo Database file to "NAVDEMO"

8.     Press OK

9.     Update the Microsoft Dynamics NAV server configuration file to use the new database by open "CustomSettings.config" file in notepad. The file is normally located under "C:\Program Files\ Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Service".

10.    Locate the DatabaseName key.

11.     Change the value attribute to "NAVDEMO"
12.  Open the Run Window Type “Services.msc”.

13.    Restart the "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server" service in the Windows    Service manager


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